Without that crazy device, I wouldn't bother.ītw, I'm only mildly surprised that no-one can agree on an answer to this question yet in this thread. There WAS a LD transport with 3 trays, but it was $6000 and I've no idea who made it now, much less what model it was. However, they'd be a ballache to watch - each film came on three discs!! Sold 'em eventually, because someone told me that there was a DVD release that was higher resolution and better audio. Does the laserdisc version have THX? I used to own those discs. The only 'modern' transfer (with surround sound, anamorphic widescreen, etc.) out there is the Special Edition (and the 2005 Special Edition rerelease). But they're working with the same source material you can buy). It's still the closest you're going to get on DVD (sans pirating, perhaps.

It's not taken from the original master it's taken from a copy. That's why I pointed out that it's not really the original theatrical version (which would have had multitrack audio, good color, etc.). It truly is the 'original' version without ANY niceties added like THX sound, color correction, etc. IIRC, though, Lucas gave us a big ol' 'fuck you' by only putting 2.0 sound on the 'original' versions on the DVD. The current DVD editions include the 'original theatrical' version along with the most recent special edition although the 'orignal theatrical' version is not the version that actually played in theaters, it's just about as close as you're going to get (it was taken from one of the Laserdisc versions not sure if it's the same one you're talking about or not, or even if there was more than one ). 'What ends up being important in my mind is what the DVD version is going to look like, because that's what everybody is going to remember. These products not only brought in unprecedented profits. Posters, t-shirts, buttons, and even a disco version of the score) followed, with Kenner selling 42 million Star Wars-themed items in 1978 alone, 26 million of these being action figures. In the wake of the film's huge success, a flood of spin-offs and merchandise (e.g.

Non-special edition Han shoots first) version of the first three Star Wars films? Have they ever been released on DVD? AFAIK, the 'Definitive Edition' laserdisc set is the best quality out there and everything released since then has been based on the special edition versions, but I could be wrong. So it's not a purist version all cleaned up. Had Obi Wan cut off the doctors arm instead of walrus man, added a bunch of dynamics to the escape from Death Star and tie battle sequence, and a ton more. He color corrected the entire thing, cut out the Jabba scene, added a ton of ships to the Death Star space battle, kept some of Lucas's entering Mos Eisley sequence and ditched some too, added a ton of expression to the creatures faces in the Cantina. The version of Adywan's A New Hope Revisited I have is based off the 2004 DVD.